Reducing the Risk of COVID-19 and Respiratory Tract Infections
Dana Laake and her special guest Caitlin Higgins will discuss immune-supportive supplements and specific nutrients that have been shown in recent studies related to COVID-19 to reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections.
Caitlin Higgins is a licensed Certified Nutrition Specialist and passionate foodie who utilizes an integrative and functional approach in her clinical nutrition practice. After earning her master’s degree in clinical nutrition from the Maryland University of Integrative Health, Caitlin relocated to St. Augustine, FL, to work for Designs for Health as a lead technical writer and educational content developer. As a functional nutritionist, Caitlin incorporates both the latest modern nutrition and medical science with ancient wisdom from traditional medicine.

The role of micronutrients during COVID-19
Special guest: Dr. Bernarda Zenker, MD, is a board-certified family physician through the American Academy of Family Medicine. She is also board-certified in integrative medicine and certified functional medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Dr. Zenker has a concern for finding solutions to chronic health problems using methylation genetics, nutritional supplements and diet recommendations to assist traditional medicine in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases. Some areas of specific focus are preventing age-related memory loss, detoxification of toxins, diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease and mycotoxin illness from mold exposure.

Biochemical individuality and COVID-19 – how certain genetic predispositions can increase one’s risk
Special guest: Dr. Christy Williamson earned her doctor of clinical nutrition (DCN) from Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH), her master’s degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and is a also a Certified Nutrition Specialist. In 2016, she helped pass legislation in Virginia that established a statutory definition of nutritional genomics. With a colleague, Christy developed a course in nutritional genomics for MUIH and continues to teach there as an adjunct faculty member. Dr. Williamson is also the owner of the Nutritional Genomics Institute, OmicsDx, ZebraDx and SNPed. NGI houses SNPed, practitioner education in nutritional genomics, and ZebraDx, a nutritional genomics focused research diagnostics company. OmicsDx is a software startup and state-of-the-art nutritional genomics analysis company that produces epigenetically validated genome panels.