Eye Disease
Important nutrients for eye health
Special guest: Anthony Thomas, PhD, earned his B.A. in nutrition, dietetics and food science from California State University Northridge, his doctorate in nutritional biology from the University of California at Davis, and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California at Los Angeles Larry Hillblom Islet Research Center. His primary research interests have focused on the influence of dietary and lifestyle factors on chronic cardiovascular/metabolic diseases including obesity, insulin resistance syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. He has authored/co-authored multiple peer reviewed scientific manuscripts and serves on the Jarrow Formulas’ Scientific Panel.

A holistic optometrist’s approach to preventing and treating common eye ailments
Special guest: Dr. Sam Berne has been in private practice in New Mexico for over 25 years. He works with patients to improve their vision and overall wellness through holistic methods. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Pennsylvania State University, Doctor of Optometry from Pennsylvania College, and did his postdoctoral work at the Gesell Institute in collaboration with Yale University. His protocols take a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to health and wellness. He understands and treats the body as one integrated system, rather than a collection of independent organs, to identify and address the root causes of disease. His whole health protocols improve vision and wellness by healing the mind-body-spirit through nutritional protocols, vision therapy, and self-care techniques.

How to protect your eyes from macular degeneration
Special guest: Dr. Anthony Thomas
Anthony Thomas, PhD, earned his bachelor’s degree in nutrition, dietetics and food science from California State University Northridge, his doctorate in nutritional biology from the University of California at Davis, and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California at Los Angeles Larry Hillblom Islet Research Center. His primary research interests have focused on the influence of dietary and lifestyle factors on chronic cardiovascular/metabolic diseases including obesity, insulin resistance syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. He has authored/co-authored multiple peer reviewed scientific manuscripts and is currently a consultant for Jarrow.

10 essentials to save your vision
Dr. Kevin Passero and his special guest Dr. Edward Kondrot will discuss healthy essentials to save your vision.
Dr. Edward Kondrot, MD, is a homeopathic ophthalmologist who provides traditional and alternative therapies for the treatment of eye disease. He is author of two best-selling books, host of the Healthy Vision radio show, and a sought-after speaker. Dr. Kondrot has been named president of the board of the Arizona Homeopathic & Integrative Medical Association (AHIMA), a 27-year-old state association for licensed homeopathic medical physicians in Arizona and other states.

Visual Stress in our Academic, Social and Occupational Environments
Host Dr. Kevin Passero and his special guest Dr. Sanford Cohen will be discussing visual stress in our academic, social and occupational environments.
Dr. Cohen is a developmental and behavioral optometrist practicing primary care optometry in Silver Spring, MD. His patients include children and adults with learning-related vision problems, attention deficit disorders, reading problems, pervasive developmental disorders, autism spectrum, strabismus, amblyopia, binocular disorders, traumatic brain injury, and low vision resulting from macular degeneration, and many other eye diseases.