Posts Tagged ‘nutrition’
The Keys to Optimal Digestive Wellness
Special guest: Dr. Liz Lipski holds a PhD in clinical nutrition and is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition (FACN). She has two board certifications in clinical nutrition (CNS and BCHN) and one in functional medicine (IFMCP), and is on the faculty for The Institute for Functional Medicine and the Metabolic Medicine Institute fellowship program. Dr. Lipski is on the board of the American Nutrition Association, and advisory boards for the International Association of Health Coaches and the Autism Hope Alliance. She is a professor and director of academic development for graduate programs in clinical nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health, and the owner of the Innovative Healing Academy. She has been a co-author in peer-reviewed papers and is the author of three books, Digestive Wellness, Digestive Wellness for Children and Leaky Gut Syndrome, and a video course, The Art of Digestive Wellness.
A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics
Special guest: Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, CNS, is involved in the research, coordination, and execution of product development and reformulation, as well as overseeing clinical and technical support for Designs for Health. He has been studying nutrition and wellness for the past 16 years. Dr. Jurgelewicz has bachelor of science degrees in health and wellness, and anatomy, and is a doctor of chiropractic. Dr. Jurgelewicz is board certified in nutrition by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, a diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, and an active member of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition’s examination board. He is also an adjunct clinical instructor for the Master of Science in Nutrition program at the University of Bridgeport. Dr. Jurgelewicz specializes in functional medicine in the management of a variety of chronic health conditions.
Unconventional cancer journey using diet and nutritional supplements
Special guest: Dr. Danenberg, DDS, is a periodontist and was in private practice for 44 years, incorporating ancestral nutrition and lifestyle with his leading-edge laser protocol to treat periodontal disease. “Dr. Al” retired in 2018, but continues to consult with patients all over the world, as well as discuss his unconventional cancer journey. He was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer in September 2018 and was given 3-6 months to live; he rejected all chemotherapy and is thriving today. Dr. Al received advanced training in evolutionary nutrition from the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, as well as The Center for Mind-Body Medicine. In 2014, he became a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) and a Certified Primal Health Coach. Then, in April 2017, Dr. Al earned the designation of “ADAPT Trained Health Professional” from Kresser Institute, and in 2020, he was appointed Chair of the Periodontal Committee for the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM). His book, Crazy-Good Living, is based on ancestral nutrition and lifestyle.
Key Nutrients for Immune Support
Special guest: Jason Rozzo is the Director of Strategic Development for Metagenics, Inc. He has been involved in helping doctors understand and apply nutrition as a therapeutic tool for over 20 years. Jason has a BS in health and fitness and a certificate in nutrition and healthy living from Cornell University, and is a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants. He has spoken at over 100 workshops and to hospitals and medical groups on many different health and nutrition topics. Jason is a US Army veteran and is the liaison for Metagenics’ military health initiative, working to support practitioners and not-for-profit groups that help active and retired military with nutrition and lifestyle.
Biochemical individuality and COVID-19 – how certain genetic predispositions can increase one’s risk
Special guest: Dr. Christy Williamson earned her doctor of clinical nutrition (DCN) from Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH), her master’s degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and is a also a Certified Nutrition Specialist. In 2016, she helped pass legislation in Virginia that established a statutory definition of nutritional genomics. With a colleague, Christy developed a course in nutritional genomics for MUIH and continues to teach there as an adjunct faculty member. Dr. Williamson is also the owner of the Nutritional Genomics Institute, OmicsDx, ZebraDx and SNPed. NGI houses SNPed, practitioner education in nutritional genomics, and ZebraDx, a nutritional genomics focused research diagnostics company. OmicsDx is a software startup and state-of-the-art nutritional genomics analysis company that produces epigenetically validated genome panels.
The new book, The Genomic Kitchen: Your Guide To Understanding And Using The Food-Gene Connection For A Lifetime Of Health
Special guest: Amanda Archibald, RD, has extensive training in nutrition biochemistry, nutrigenomics and functional nutrition. She founded The Genomic Kitchen, a system of choosing, preparing and understanding food based on culinary genomics. Along with running the day-to-day business of The Genomic Kitchen, she provides genomic test interpretation, nutrigenomic and culinary guidance for clients and clinicians. Her unique vision is derived from more than two decades of innovation in nutrition science, her interaction with consumers, chefs and health professionals, and her work as a consultant to a variety of leading institutions and brands. Amanda has a longstanding commitment to redefining food, nutrition and cooking education in ways that make it accessible and meaningful.
Food over Medicine
Special guest: Pam Popper, ND, is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health, and the executive director of Wellness Forum Health. Dr. Popper serves on the President’s Board for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, DC. She has been featured in many widely distributed documentaries, including Processed People and Making a Killing, and appeared in the acclaimed documentary Forks Over Knives. She was one of the lead experts in Food Choices, and is co-author of the companion book for this film. She is also the author of Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Can Save Your Life.
Eat Organic as if Your Life Depends on it
Special guest: Jeffrey M. Smith is a leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. He is the executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology, a leading source of GMO health risk information for consumers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals. Mr. Smith’s documentary Genetic Roulette, The Gamble of Our Lives, was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year (Solari Report) and the Transformational Film of the Year (AwareGuide). Mr. Smith’s new film, Secret Ingredients, co-directed with Amy Hart, was released in 2018. His books include Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods.
Supporting Optimal Immune Health
Special guest: Erin Stokes, ND, is the Medical Director at MegaFood, and a registered naturopathic doctor in the state of Colorado. In her role as Medical Director, Erin has the opportunity to educate on health and wellness topics via webinars, radio shows, articles and blogs. Dr. Stokes received her naturopathic doctor degree from Bastyr University in 2001. Shortly afterwards she began to pursue her passion for educating others by teaching Western Pathology and Psychology of Healing at Southwest Acupuncture College. She combines her experience as a naturopathic doctor with an extensive background in the natural products industry. Erin’s personal mission is to empower people with the inspiration and tools to change their lives.