Posts Tagged ‘holistic’
Holistic Dentistry and Ayurvedic Medicine
Special guest: Dr. Kalpna Ranadive completed her masters in periodontics in 1998, then went on to become the first resident to complete a fellowship exclusively in implantology from Boston University in 2001. She graduated with high honors and multiple prestigious awards from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. In 2009, she became the first dentist in Maryland to have a fully integrated digital dental office with CAD-CAM – CEREC, 3D cone beam and lasers. Dr. Ranadive is an international speaker, author and sought-after trainer by dentists and healthcare professionals as she teaches them how to integrate ancient Vedic wisdom in their health practices. She is a naturalist, minimalistic and eco-friendly dental surgeon who strongly believes in saving teeth while paying attention to integrative health pathways.

“The Cochrane Method,” which integrates a multi-level nutritional approach to develop a bio-individualized plan for her clients
Special guest: Teri Cochrane, CCP, is an integrative practitioner in nutritional counseling. She received her bachelor of science degree from the University of Florida, and she is a graduate of the Huntington College of Health Sciences and the National Leadership Institute. She also has extensive certifications and experience in holistic medicinal practices, such as healing touch, craniosacral therapy, meditation techniques, certified coaching and herbology. Teri is currently in private practice in the metro DC area, where she specializes in complex health conditions and elite athletic performance. She is a frequent guest on BlogTalkRadio, including Thyroid Nation, Unlimited Realities and Life Mastery Radio.

A holistic optometrist’s approach to preventing and treating common eye ailments
Special guest: Dr. Sam Berne has been in private practice in New Mexico for over 25 years. He works with patients to improve their vision and overall wellness through holistic methods. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Pennsylvania State University, Doctor of Optometry from Pennsylvania College, and did his postdoctoral work at the Gesell Institute in collaboration with Yale University. His protocols take a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to health and wellness. He understands and treats the body as one integrated system, rather than a collection of independent organs, to identify and address the root causes of disease. His whole health protocols improve vision and wellness by healing the mind-body-spirit through nutritional protocols, vision therapy, and self-care techniques.

Dr. Passero’s new book, The Drug-Free Acid Reflux Solution
Special guest: Dr. Kevin Passero
Dr. Passero is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and graduated from one of only eight accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools in North America. His mission is to bring cutting-edge natural and holistic therapies to the Washington DC metro area and to educate people on the value of naturopathic medicine across the country. His goal is to help people uncover the reasons why their body is in distress and find the solutions to restore optimal health. Drawing on 15+ years of medical training and clinical experience, and utilizing a wide range of in-depth scientific research conducted by leading experts in the field, Dr. Kevin Passero has created a simple, easy-to-read guide that will end your acid reflux issues — permanently.

A biological dentist’s approach to treating dental problems
Dana Laake and her special guest Dr. Thomas Lokensgard will discuss a holistic and biological approach to treating dental problems.
Dr. Thomas Lokensgard, DDS, NMD, ABAAHP, is a holistic and biological dentist with over 30 years of clinical experience. Dr. Lokensgard started his dental practice with an emphasis in Cosmetic Restorative Dentistry. He became interested in Orthodontic and Cranio-Facial procedures in dentistry, taking hundreds of additional hours in CDE credits to further his knowledge and experience. After extensive study and training with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), he became Board Certified in 2008. Dr. Lokensgard’s dedication to quality dental care and cutting edge technology go hand-in-hand with his gentle and caring service to his patients. Dr. Lokensgard is the founder of the Centre for Holistic and Biological Dentistry in Franklin, Tennessee.

Women’s Holistic Health
Host Dana Laake and her special guest Keri Marshall, MS, ND, will be discussing women’s holistic health.
Keri Marshall is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in holistic pediatrics and women’s medicine. She has published several scientific papers and magazine articles, written a book on proteins and amino acids, and appears regularly on nationally syndicated radio shows. She sees patients at Village Green on Wednesdays.