Posts Tagged ‘healing’
Whole detox for both mind and body
Special guest: Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS
Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, is an internationally recognized lifestyle medicine expert with a specialty in detox. Her 20 years of experience in the nutrition field led her to develop an integrated, “whole-self” approach to nutrition called Food & Spirit. In 2014, she led The Detox Summit™ featuring 30 international detox experts. Following the summit, she hosted an online whole-self detox program in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine. Dr. Minich not only leads detox events multiple times per year, but lectures to audiences worldwide on the topic.

Healing breast cancer naturally
Dr. Kevin Passero and his special guest Dr. Véronique Desaulniers will discuss healing breast cancer naturally.
Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, has maintained successful practices in the wellness field since 1979. Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in energy medicine, specializing in chiropractic, bio-energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, homeopathy, and digital thermography. After 30 years in active practice, she decided to “retire” and devote her time to sharing her story and journey with breast cancer. Her experience led to the recently released book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer.

Mind-body tools to help you let go of stress
Dr. Kevin Passero’s special guest Dr. Kim D’Eramo will share her personal experience using self-healing to overcome chronic illness.
Dr. Kim D’Eramo is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician who trained at Emory University’s Grady Hospital in Atlanta. Her bestselling book, The MindBody Toolkit, explains the basis for how the prolonged stress state generates toxicity and imbalance in the body, and how reversing this stress state restores our natural state of well-being. Dr. D’Eramo conducts online group training programs, and speaks nationally to doctors, medical students, and the general public for training in mind-body medicine.

Weight management, digestive health regulation through natural medicine, and types of healing massage treatments.
Dr. Kevin Passero and his special guests Dr. Tracy Hackett and Dr. Shaundel Knights of Eastern Holistic Arts will be discussing weight management, digestive health regulation through natural medicine, and types of healing massage treatments.
Tracy L. Hackett, DOM, L.Ac, is a Licensed Acupuncturist and clinical herbalist in Washington, DC. Dr. Hackett has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) since 2005 and has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997. Her study of healing arts in India, China, Ladakh, Nepal, Thailand, and Bali gives her a well-rounded cultural understanding of traditional medicine and healing modalities.
Dr. Shaundel Knights, ND, grew up in Guyana, South America and knew she would follow in the footsteps of her grandmother, a natural healer. Today she is a naturopathic physician with a focus on natural skin care and pain management. Dr. Knights is also a certified massage therapist and maintains this hands-on approach to healing in her practice.

Cleansing and detoxification protocols – when in doubt, follow the gut, nutritional detoxification and digestive healing
Dr. Kevin Passero and his special guest Caroline Alexander will be discussing cleansing and detoxification protocols.
Caroline Alexander is a Nationally Board Certified I-ACT Instructor for Colon Hydrotherapy and the founder of Vitality Cleansing. Ms. Alexander promotes colon hydrotherapy within the current scope of practice for professional, certified colon hydrotherapy and works toward integrating the science of healing with the art of healing. Ms. Alexander actively participates with medical professionals to gain greater recognition for the value of colon hydrotherapy.

Breathing, healing, fitness, and exercise – the FlexAware® way
Dana Laake and her special guest Steven Shafarman will be discussing FlexAware® – a holisistic approach to movement and breathing exercises for health and fitness.
Steven Shafarman is the creator of FlexAware®, an approach to healing, fitness, and exercise that helps people of all ages and all health conditions breathe freely and move easily. Steven is an author, teacher and leading Feldenkrais Method practitioner. He is the author of the FlexAware Fitness DVD and six books, including Awareness Heals: The Feldenkrais Method for Dynamic Health.

Manual Regulation Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief
Host Dr. Kevin Passero and his special guest Dr. Ron Murray will discuss manual regulation therapy for chronic pain relief.
Dr. Ron Murray, PT, ND, is a doctor of integrative medicine and a trainer of healing professionals. He is a master practitioner and teacher of CranialSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Myofacial Release, and Body Mind Healing. Through his understanding of the human body, he helps his clients and students conceptualize how each of these healing techniques make it possible for the body to “let go” of chronic pain and dysfunction and come back to a more natural, optimal state of function.

Back to School Essentials for Kids
Kevin Passero and his special guest Dean Morris discuss back to school essentials for kids.
As a fifth-generation herbalist, Dean grew up on herbs and has diverse experience in organic horticulture, the natural foods industry and healthcare. Taught by his father to grow lady slipper orchids and other herbs, Dean went on to farm 165 acres of organic herbs in the 80’s. While attending Brigham Young University in pre-professional nutrition, he worked for a nationally distributed dietary supplement manufacturer. After college, he served as dean of admissions, author, editor and teacher for John R. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing.
In 1997, Dean was invited to help form a multi-disciplinary alternative medicine team and was granted full practicing privileges as an herbalist at the Columbia hospital Miami Heart Institute in Miami Beach, Florida. From there, he was recruited by Nature’s Way to be their senior educator, formulator, director of new products, and director of technical services. In 2009, Dean resumed fulltime directorship of Nebo Health, a consultancy for the dietary supplement industry. As an independent consultant, he enjoys sharing the benefits of the many products he helped launch in the eleven years he worked for Nature’s Way. Dean most enjoys the herbwalk presentations he feels fortunate to provide throughout the world.